Access for non root user on-board K8055 USB under Ubuntu 9.10 allow

The Velleman K8055 is an interface baord, connected via USB port 8 which controls 8 digital, 2 analog outputs and 5 can read 5 digital inputs and 2 Analog inputs . You can buy them for example at Conrad Electronics..

This manual is intended, the program K8055, the here can be downloaded, take advantage of users on a Ubuntu machine executable, have no root access. The guide, indicated on the website for Sourcforge, works in Ubuntu 9.10 not, because hotplug is no longer default. But it is different and simpler:

# How to grant access to users for the k8055 in Ubuntu 9.10

# Ubuntu 9.10 doesn’t use hotplug any more, so it is done
# in a little bit different way than for gentoo. – But I feel it’s easier
# than in other / older distributions.

# all of the following needs to be done as user root:
sudo bash

# when prompted enter the password of your account to get root access

# use
# to find out the Vendor-ID (digits before “:”) and
# the Product-ID (digits after “:”) of your k8055.
# With my card I got
# idVendor: 10cf
# idProduct: 5500

# add a user group. All members of this group will be allowed to access the k8055.
# you can choose any name here, but remember to replace it also in the echo command
# and the usermod command below.
addgroup k8055grp

# create a rule so that udev sets the access rights for this device as needed
# in the following line replace “10cf” with your vendor-id and “5500” with your product id.
# I don’t know – may be “SYMLINK ” is not necessary.
# The name of the file is arbitrary, but it must end with “.rules” and
# should not start with a number in order to get a higher priority than
# the standard existing rules.
echo ATTRS{idVendor}==\"10cf\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"5500\", SYMLINK+=\"k8055\", OWNER=\"root\", GROUP=\"k8055grp\", MODE=\"660\" >/etc/udev/rules.d/mein_k8055_1.rules
# the backslashes are only needed in order to prevent bash from
# interpreting the quotation marks. If you create the file using an
# editor, don’t enter the back slashes.

# add users who shall have access to the group k8055grp.
# E.g. if you want apache (usually runnig as user www-data)
# to be able to access the device:
usermod -a -G k8055grp www-data

# that’s it.
# remember
# 1) re-plugin the k8055 in order to create the new access rules.
# 2) that the user who got the right needs to login again
# in order for the new rights to take effect. For apache,
# stop and start it:
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
/etc/init.d/apache2 start

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5 Responses to Access for non root user on-board K8055 USB under Ubuntu 9.10 allow

  1. the CL says:


    you have not idea how important this small notes are sometimes.
    Newly installed machines, lib compiled, but one detail is forgotten and hung up on the error message “´ can t open port”

    Thank you very much – Here it turns again

    Networked with regards,
    the CL

  2. Marco says:

    Thank you. I had the same issue. But my card was on address: 5503…

    ATTRS{idVendor}==”10cf”, ATTRS{idProduct}==”5503″, SYMLINK+=”k8055″, OWNER=”root”, GROUP=”k8055grp”, MODE=”660″

    With kind regards,

    Marco Bremer

  3. Mark says:

    What could be causing the following error? It seems that for whatever reason call to usb_open(dev) in libk8055.c returns null and the assertion error is thrown.

    $ k8055 -debug
    Parameters : Card=0 Analog1=-1 Analog2=-1 Digital=-1
    Velleman Device Found @ Address 004 Vendor 0x010cf Product ID 0x05500
    k8055: libk8055.c:195: takeover_device: Assertion `udev != ((void *)0)’ failed.

  4. Mark says:

    There was a problem with my udev rule. While copy/pasting, I somehow lost the quotes around “10cf” and other fields.

  5. falko says:

    the quotes have been lost, because she has interpreted the bash. To prevent this, they need to be escaped with a preceding backslash. I don't know why, the blackslaches in the article were no longer displayed – I've added it now again.

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